Pharmacy Track: Managing Drug Costs in Ambulatory Practices
Date & Time
Monday, April 16, 2018, 4:00 PM - 4:40 PM
Location Name
National Ballroom D
The role of the pharmacist in the ambulatory care setting is expanding as pharmacists in these facilities are providing a broad range of services, including conducting health and wellness testing, managing chronic illnesses, administering immunizations, and partnering with hospitals and health systems to improve overall health and wellness in order to reduce hospital readmissions.
In order to help patients manage costs, specifically Medicare Part D expenses, many ambulatory care pharmacists have implemented medication therapy management strategies.  These programs focus on improved education for patients, help prevent medication-related adverse events, save money for patients and providers, and empower patients to be actively involved in their health and wellness regimen.  
Learning Objectives:
1. Identify the types of patients who would benefit from the implementation of a medication therapy management plan.
2. Discuss ways that a medication therapy management plan can optimize a patient’s health.
3. Outline the core elements of a medication therapy management plan.