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Hospital and Healthsystem Association of PA
Vice President Emergency Preparedness
Speaker Bio
Tom Grace has been the VP Emergency Preparedness of the Hospital and Health System Association of Pennsylvania (HAP) since 2012. His current responsibilities include leadership for the HAP/PADOH HPP partnership. He serves as: Team Leader/Founder of Southeastern Pennsylvania - Surge Medical Assistance Response Team, and Team Commander, US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), National Disaster Medical System, and Disaster Medical Assistance Team PA-4. In his career, Tom has served as a Volunteer Fire/EMS Paramedic; Emergency/flight nurse (Pittsburgh Life Flight in 1981 -85; then flight programs in Fairfax, VA and Philadelphia, PA (85-93); PA Health System Administrator for Support Services (Facilities, Utilities, Construction; Safety, Security, Emergency Mgmt, Med Equipment, Food Services, Housekeeping 1994-2006); HAP VP for Preparedness, Philadelphia Region 2006-2012 and is a US ARMY Veteran (1973-76) with "The Old Guard" Washington, DC. He has his Nursing Diploma from Sewickley Valley Hospital, his BSN from LaRoche College, a Master’s in Public Management from Carnegie Mellon University, and a PhD in Administration from Cambridge State University.