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Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences & The Center for Rheumatology
Clinical Pharmacist/Associate Professor
Speaker Bio
Dr. Farrell is currently employed as an Associate Professor in the Department of Pharmacy Practice at Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. Her practice site is The Center for Rheumatology in Albany, NY where she provides a variety of clinical pharmacy services including pharmacotherapy consult services, self-injection counseling visits, off-label insurance approval service, and adverse event monitoring and reporting. She also serves as an associate medical officer for the Steffens Scleroderma Center. Dr. Farrell presents nationally and internationally on numerous rheumatic conditions including rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, scleroderma, pregnancy and lactation in rheumatic disease. She is affiliated with several professional organizations, including the American College of Rheumatology/Association of Rheumatology Health Professionals (ACR/ARHP), American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP), and previously held officer positions for the New York State Council of Health-System Pharmacists (NYSCHP)-Northeastern Chapter. Dr. Farrell received her Doctor of Pharmacy Degree at Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences in Albany, NY.