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Texas Christian University
West Endowed Chair of Supply Chain Management
Speaker Bio
Morgan Swink is the Eunice and James L. West Chaired Professor of Supply Chain Management in the Neeley School of Business at Texas Christian University. He also serves as the Executive Director of the Center for Supply Chain Innovation at the Neeley School. He teaches in areas of supply chain management, project management, innovation management, and operations strategy. Dr. Swink’s current research projects address digital transformation and cutting-edge competencies in supply chain management, financial impacts of supply chain management, collaborative integration, supply chain organizational structures, innovation initiatives and project success factors. He was recently ranked among the top ten innovation management scholars in the world, and among the top 75 most productive operations management scholars. Dr. Swink is the former Co-Editor in Chief for the Journal of Operations Management, a top academic supply chain management journal. He serves as associate editor for several other journals. He has served as president of the Decision Sciences Institute, as well as chair of the Research Strategies Committee and a member of the board of directors for CSCMP. He has co-authored two supply chain operations text-books, one managerial book on supply chain excellence, and more than 75 articles in a variety of academic and managerial journals. He has won several research and teaching awards, including the 2016 Research and Creativity Award at TCU. Dr. Swink consults and leads executive workshops and seminars in supply chain management best practices, cross-organizational integration, project management, operational flexibility, and breakthrough thinking for innovation and productivity.