2018 Spring IDN Summit Table Exchanges
Wednesday, April 18 | 7:30 am – 8:30 am
National Ballroom BC
IDN Summit Table Exchanges are designed to provide you with in-depth discussions between suppliers and providers on issues impacting the healthcare supply chain. Table leaders will encourage participation, feedback, and the sharing of lessons learned. This is a unique opportunity offered only at the IDN Summit.
Table 1. Supplier Diversity
Table Host:  Jean-Marc Villain, Director of Supplier Diversity, Medical University of South Carolina
Has your organization implemented a successful Supplier Diversity strategy or are you exploring methods to make this a reality in the future?  This Table Exchange will address the ways a Supplier Diversity program can help reduce costs, add to brand equity, and how to measure and reward success.  Join us to exchange ideas, ask questions, and share your experiences with Supplier Diversity.
Learning Objectives:
  1. Describe Supplier Diversity Strategy tactics and best practices.
  2. Analyze the ways in which Supplier Diversity impacts the bottom line.
  3. Define methods to measure the success of Supplier Diversity programs.
Table 2. Physician Preference Items (PPI)
Table Host:  Robin Lane, Senior Manager, Value Analysis, UPMC
PPIs can be a headache but they have a big impact on the budget.  Join this Table Exchange  for frank conversation about methods of implementing and maintaining standards on PPIs in ways that positively impact clinical outcomes with physician support.
Learning Objectives:
  1. Identify new processes to better understand how to manage PPI.
  2. Discuss ways to align physician preference models with hospital budgets.
  3. Formulate opportunities for standardization of PPI.
Table 3. Purchased Services
Table Host:  John Kautzer, System Director, Contracting, Hospital Sisters Health System
Purchased Services are prime areas for cost containment and patient satisfaction.  IDNs are increasing their efforts to improve the management of Purchased Services and the engagement of key stakeholders.  Join the conversation at this Table Exchange as participants share their experiences with Purchased Services. 
Learning Objectives:
  1. Outline the impact of Purchased Services on Supply Chain efficiency.
  2. List three strategies to capture savings in the area of Purchased Services.
  3. Discover additional methods of measuring the success of Purchased Services contracts.
Table 4. Product Standardization
Table Host:  Kreg Koford, AVP, Strategic Sourcing and Solutions, Intermountain Healthcare
What are your success stories or headaches in the area of Product Standardization?  What methods of product selection and governance does your organization utilize?  How do you ensure that purchasing and inventory controls are in place to support standard and preferred items?  Join this Table Exchange to discuss the evolving methods of Product Standardization and their impact on your organization.
Learning Objectives:
  1. Describe how to use Product Standardization to increase efficiency and reduce costs.
  2. Identify the tools needed to best manage supply selection and processes.
  3. Explain how to leverage technology to improve Product Standardization.
Table 5. Dealing with Disaster
Table Host:  Joe Quinones, Director of Facilities, Comunilife
Disaster situations, both natural and man-made, are on the rise.  Disasters that weren’t possible years ago (think technology), have increased the likelihood that emergencies will occur.  Disaster Management Plans must be dynamic in order to be effective and training must be done regularly.  Join your colleagues at this Table Exchange to share best practices and lessons learned when dealing with disaster.
Learning Objectives:
  1. Describe the components of a comprehensive Emergency Management Program.
  2. Identify methods to enhance disaster preparedness, response and recovery.
  3. List best practices to create and manage disaster management resources and infrastructure.
Table 6. Communication with Leadership
Table Host:  Nancy Wobig, MSM, Director, Medical Surgical and Lab Contracting, Mayo Clinic
As your healthcare supply chain evolves so does your responsibilities. Supply chain executives are taking on increasingly more complex operational roles within IDNs. Hospital Boards and C-Suite executives are demanding more from you but in many cases not providing the support and resources necessary to effectively transform supply chain operations. Join this Table Exchange as we discuss effective ways to gain buy-in from Boards and the C-Suite.
Learning Objectives:
  1. Determine how to achieve buy-in from C-Suite executives to impact all levels of the organization.
  2. Discuss core communication skills and effective means of engagement.
  3. Identify three steps to establish trust and create meaningful connections with leadership.